Egrow™ Keyword Rank Tracker Tool

for Product Rankings in Search Results

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Track your rankings

As an Amazon FBA seller, you already understand the importance of keywords when it comes to ranking your products. With the Egrow™ Keyword Rank Tracker, you can receive daily updates on keywords and easily track how they are ranking overtime. There are many different components of this tool, but it can be fairly simple and extremely helpful once you break it down.

And that’s what we’re going to do now:

Adding Projects to Your Tracker

Before you can do anything within the Rank Tracker itself, you must identify specific products that you want to track. One easy way to generate ideas is through our Database Research Tool.

From there, you’ll add the product URL or ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) into the tracker. When you do this, it’s a good idea to check the box below and track all parent products and variations. This will allow you to collect data on every type of the product if it comes in multiple sizes or colors.

Next, you’ll add the keywords you want to track within each product category. You can use the Egrow™ Reverse ASIN Research Tool to find top keywords in your preferred category and input as many of them into the Rank Tracker as you please.


Understanding the Metrics

After you add your project, you’ll be greeted with a well of information for each individual product. You can include or exclude any of these values by adjusting them within the list icon near the top of the page. Let’s go through what each metric means:

  • Sales Rank: This shows the product’s current BSR (Best Seller Rank) and how much its ranking has increased or decreased in the category within the past 24 hours.
  • Average Search Volume: This portrays how many people are searching online and using the keywords you are tracking for particular project.
  • Average Position: This indicates the average rank for the product including all the keywords you are tracking.
  • Top Keywords: Here, you’ll see three separate numbers. Each number indicates how many keywords have ranked in the top 5 listings, top 10 listings, and top 30 listings respectively.
  • Weekly Change: This metric shows the total change of rank from last week until now.
  • Keywords: This simply indicates the number of keywords you’re tracking for each given project.

Visualizing the Data

You may have noticed we skipped over one metric - trends. Now that you know a bit more about the other values, we’re going to take a look at this graph. The project trends reflect all the numerical data about a product’s position. You can take a look at the average position, worst position, and best position.


Further Analyzing Data for Each Project

There’s one final bit of information you can look over to better understand the projects you’re tracking. Click on an individual project, and you’ll be taken to a page with more detailed information. Here, you can see a breakdown of each individual keyword. These metrics include:

  • Average Organic Position
  • Average Ranking Page
  • Average 7-Day Change
  • Average 14-Day Change
  • Average 30-Day Change
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